Living @ tΞp — Views from the Inside

Lucky for us - our house has excellent meals served 5 nights a week. We all take a turn cooking or cleaning in exchange for delicious dinner options (vegan/vegetarian too) every night. Besides the yummy food, house dinners are a time for us to hang out and check in with eachother. The full stocked kitchen of tEp Xi is a HUGE draw. We have cereal, we have fruit, we have Kitchen Aid mixers, we have anything an aspiring chef or cooking newbie could want.

🔪*REAL LIFE* Gordon Ramsay RPG
Saturday, February 20, 6:22-7:22pm
We have the ingredients, you tell us what to do. And we have to eat it. Unleash your inner culinary fury and help turn this sorry kitchen around (or not).

🕳 Basement Trivia Night is tonight!
Friday, February 19, 7:22-8:44pm
What's the third deepest cave in the world? What are the Boston Zoning Commission's specifications for a legally inhabitable underground unit? Come show off your trivia skills in our underground lair (hot tub included) and win a prize! Bonus points for getting the basement-related questions.
PRIZES: Gift cards to local restaurants Darwin’s, Flour, and Veggie Galaxy!

🧬 (Un)natural Selection is today!
Thursday, February 18, 5:22-6:22pm
Brussels sprouts for eyeballs? Limb soup? Clams with feathers? It's more likely than you think. Come create artistic monstrosities using the power of AI and principles of evolution.

Slavic TV Challenge is tonight!
Tuesday, 2/16 8:22pm
A ты говоришь по русски? да? Fantastic. You don't speak Russian? Even better. We've been watching classic Slavic TV shows and need YOUR help to decipher them. Your guess is as good as ours. Vidimo se!

Come join tEp/Xi for Edit Our House tonight!
Tuesday, 2/9 8:22pm
From painting murals to installing a musical staircase, here at tEp/Xi, we take pride in making our living space our own. Until we can get back to our house at 253 Commonwealth Ave, we've created a virtual substitute. Come learn how to edit spaces in and make your mark on our virtual house!

Off The Air Marathon is tonight!
Sunday, 2/8 8:22pm
Come chill with us as we feast our eyes on the internet's finest psychedelia. Come watch Off The Air, a *HIGHLY AESTHETIC* video series. Themes include: patterns, fire, light, dreams.

Shrek Bingo is tonight!
Sunday, 2/7 8:22pm
Nostalgic for the best cinematic hit of the early 2000s? Come watch Shrek with us and play our custom bingo board for a chance to win an extra special limited edition super surprise prize!

Our first rush event, Snail Eating Contest, is tonight!
Saturday, 2/6 9:22pm
Snails eat slowly. But what's slower than a snail eating dinner? Bring something to compete against our slimy friends (a melting ice cube, human evolution, a video of paint drying etc.) or just come help us cheer them on. May the slowest one win. *no snails shall be harmed in this process*

In 2019, tEp/Xi celebrated our 100th anniversary! Almost 100 alumni from all class years came back to Boston to join in the festivities. It was an amazing opportunity for tEps across generations to meet and bond over our shared experiences. Alumni and undergrads alike shared lots of stories, laughs, and cake.
By: Danielle

Summers at tEp are a time to work on fun projects without the pressure of schoolwork. Summer 2019 was no different. We organized Festival, an art party featuring original, site-specific pieces and performances by members of the tEp/Xi community, all on display and in action throughout our house at 253 Comm Ave. It was a tEp-tastic success and we can’t wait to do something like it again!
by: Alex

Every fall, one of our favorite rush events at tEp/Xi is Oobleck. Oobleck, a non-Newtonian fluid made from water and cornstarch, is the perfect medium for poorly coordinated wrestling, feeling like you 're stuck in quicksand, or taking a viscous bath. Oobleck is the messiest, but also one of the most fun, traditions at tEp/Xi.

One summer an alum wrote a script that sent an email to every college in America asking for t-shirts. What followed were months of opening stacks of mail (much to the annoyance of the mailman) filled with all kinds of college swag. It was like Christmas everyday if Santa delivered t shirts from obscure colleges.
by: Jess

Stupid ball is a classic tEp game in which a large ball is thrown around until something breaks, at which point you’ve won the game. Last summer, residents took stupid ball to next level incorporating it into new sports: giant baseball and giant bowling. Much fun ensued.
by: Jess

He exists, he yells, and I respond: “MROW.” Dusty is part of a long line of tEp cats, and was adopted last fall. When in the house, he can be seen chasing a 4 floor long piece of rope and using it to entertain himself. His calls can be heard reverberating through the center stairwell as he screeches for food when I get back from classes.
by: Val

One of tEp’s fall highlights is retreat! The members and some alums head up to the White Mountains for a weekend of hanging out, hiking, and exploring random thrift stores.
by: Grace

tEpilepsy, a 36x60 LED display dear to many throughout the ages. A comforting and disorienting presence in tEp that's dissolved egos, fostered vibes, and siphoned hundreds of hours from innocent students who gazed into the panel too long and decided to take a stab at making light art. Odd, specific joy to coming back to house after classes and seeing what (monstrosity) someone decided to put up, or spend a few minutes making something yourself. Usually it's abstract animations, too low resolution memes, retro game playthroughs, cellular automata, etc., which can be programmed in several ways: typically using visual DJing tools or by writing a script in Python or C directly. Friendships have literally been initiated by people showing others how you make the magic lights work and then screwing with the panels/VJing software with them to display nonsense at 3am.
by: Jabari